Sylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness Challenge

From Jan. 27-31, students at Sylvan Avenue participated in the nationwide Great Kindness Challenge, a weeklong initiative designed to promote kindness and compassion in schools and communities around the world.

Throughout the week, students were encouraged to complete acts of kindness from the challenge’s checklist, reinforcing the importance of spreading positivity. The school also held a spirit week with kindness-themed dress-up days. On Monday, students wore their favorite workout gear to illustrate the theme, “Kindness Moves!” On Tuesday, they wore neon colors and sunglasses to “Shine Bright with Kindness.” They also wore beach and surf attire to “Ride the Kindness Wave” and on Friday, they wore their favorite hat or mismatched socks for “Hats Off to Kindness and Rock Your Socks” Day.

On Jan. 27, fifth grade students kicked off the week by chalking kind messages in the school’s front plaza for their younger peers to enjoy. In addition to the spirit days, Sylvan Avenue’s social worker Ms. Post led buddy classroom lessons, pairing students in different grade levels together for collaborative activities that emphasized kindness.

Sylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness ChallengeSylvan Avenue spreads kindness with the Great Kindness Challenge