Kindergarten students in Blue Point Elementary’s after-school STEAM Club used the engineering design process to design and build a “stable” for reindeer using only gumdrops and toothpicks.
The club’s meeting began with club adviser Tammy Santora reading, “Olive, the Other Reindeer” by Vivian Walsh. The story surrounds a dog named Olive who wants to join Santa Claus’ sleigh team of reindeer. In the end, Olive and her unusual reindeer skills become an asset to the veteran reindeer team.
The students were then tasked with the challenge of designing their very own stable wide enough and comfortable for reindeer to sleep in. Joined by guest architect, William Barba, the students watched his building demonstration in which he explained techniques to make their structures stable and strong.
The students then got to work, sketching their ideas and labeling the parts before creating their very own “stables.” Afterward, they reflected on what worked well, what challenges they faced and thought about how they would improve their design next time.