Pupil Personnel Services
Phone: (631) 472-7860 Fax No. (631) 472-7867
Special Education Information
Return to dharrington@bbpschools.org
Community Presentation - October 1, 2024 (Special Education Offerings)
HEARS Family Line (Help, Empower, Advocate, Reassure and Support)
Mental Health/Wellness Resources
Family Support Resources
Syracuse University School of Education (InclusiveU Admissions Information Session February 26, 2025)
Staff Contacts
Emily Eckstrum – Executive Director of Human Resources and Pupil Personnel Services (631) 472-7860, Ext 8050
Natalie Doyle - Administrator for Pupil Personnel Services (631) 472-7860, Ext. 8040
PPS Support Contacts
Kim Nehr – Chairperson, Special Education Department K-12 472-7860, Ext. 8092
Samantha Demeusy – Transition Coordinator 472-7860, Ext. 1126
Anessa Koenig – Chairperson, CSE services, District-wide Psychologist 472-7860, Ext. 8043
Dr. Peggy Gasper - Chairperson, CPSE services 472-7840, Ext. 3005
Natalie Doyle (Secondary)– 504 Coordinator 472-7860, Ext. 8040
Katy Tirado (Elementary) - 504 Coordinator, Chairperson CSE Services 472-7840, Ext. 8044
Wendy Vollmuth - Senior Office Assistant, CSE Secretary 472-7860, Ext. 8041
Stacy Pohl– Senior Office Assistant, CPSE, Medicaid 472-7860, Ext. 8042
Christina Hanson – Senior Account Clerk – Finances 472-7860, Ext. 8045
Building Psychologists & School Social Workers
High School Social Worker: Gina Criscuola, 631-472-7800 x5042
High School Psychologists: Sebastien Saylor,PsyD 631-472-7800, Ext. 5035
and Anessa Koenig, 631-472-7800, Ext. 8043
Middle School Social Worker: Liza Bruno, 631-472-7820 x4034
Middle School Psychologist: Laura Colesanti, 631-472-7820, Ext. 4033
Academy Street Social Worker: Michelle Muccio, 631-472-7850 x1026
Academy Street Psychologists: Samantha Demeusy, 631-472-7850, Ext. 6285
and Matt Slavin, 631-472-7850, Ext. 5038
Blue Point Social Worker: Brooke Yonick, 631-472-6100 x3503
Blue Point Psychologists: Jennifer Graziano, 631-472-6100, Ext. 2004
and Matt Slavin, 631-472-6100, Ext. 5038
Sylvan Avenue Social Worker: Sarah Post, 631-472-7840 x3006
Sylvan Avenue Psychologist: Dr. Peggy Gasper, 631-472-7840, Ext. 3005