students with instruments

Academy Street Elementary third graders had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich history and traditions of China during an exciting and educational workshop, “Let’s Go to China,” presented by Patricia Shih.

The interactive session took students on a journey through 5,000 years of Chinese history, highlighting significant inventions and discoveries that have shaped the world. Students explored a variety of Chinese artifacts, including coins, parasols, kites and puppets, gaining a deeper appreciation for the country’s cultural contributions.

A highlight of the workshop was the exploration of sericulture, or the cultivation of silk, where students studied various garments and intricate embroidery samples. The workshop also introduced students to the Chinese language, teaching them how to read, write and speak basic words, phrases and numbers using Chinese characters.

Student volunteers tested their skills on Chinese instruments such as gongs and spinning drums and learned a traditional ribbon dance to music. The lively presentation culminated in a festive celebration of Lunar New Year where students played instruments and a few lucky volunteers danced through the room wearing a lion dance costume.

students with instrumentsstudent showing maskteacher showing item to classstudents at desk writingwoman showing class the fanstudent playing with streamerstudent playing with streamerstudent playing with streamerstudent playing with streamerstudents with intruments

student playing with instrumentsstudent wearing hatstudent with mask dancing