students dancing  wearing christmas clothes

On Dec. 20, Academy Street Elementary School kicked off their winter break with a festive assembly filled with friendly competitions for kindergarten through fifth graders.

In the spirit of the season, students gathered in the school gymnasium for the exciting reindeer relays competition. Divided into two teams, staff members raced on their makeshift “sleighs,” created from scooters and mats with hula hoops for reins, as they made their way toward the North Pole” to grab toys and bring them back to their home base. Students loudly cheered over the fierce and fun-filled competition.

The holiday fun continued with a lighthearted “ugly sweater contest” where faculty and staff members’ sweaters were judged by the students on who wore the most festive or creative holiday getup.

The celebration culminated with a joyful singalong led by the school’s fourth and fifth graders. Students jingled bells and sang along to classic holiday tunes like “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Jingle Bell Rock”.

students playing games  in gymstudents playing games  in gymstudents playing games  in gymstudents playing games  in gymstudents playing games  in gymstudents playing games  in gymstudents playing games  in gymstudents playing games  in gymstudents playing games  in gymstudents dancing  wearing christmas clothesstudents dancing  wearing christmas clothesstudents dancing  wearing christmas clothesstudents dancing  wearing christmas clothesstudents singing wearing christmas clothesstudents singing wearing christmas clothes