Athletic Participation Requirements
The requirements for participation are the students must be a bona fide student fully registered and taking at least 4 subjects plus physical education.
Each student must follow, adhere and abide by the regulations set forth by the Bayport - Blue Point School District Athletic Student Code of Conduct.
Each student must pass an athletic physical designated by the school appointed physician or family physician. Prior to the beginning of each season, the student and parent must fill out an update card. Information on physicals can be obtained by calling the school nurse.
Extra - Curricular Academic Eligibility
The Academic Eligibility Policy is an attempt to provide a positive opportunity to encourage students to fulfill their academic responsibility while participating in athletics. Students failing two (2) or more subjects will be declared ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity for a minimum of five (5) weeks. If at any time the five (5) week ineligible period a student can present evidence from his/her teachers that he/she is not failing two (2) or more subjects, then the student can be declared eligible to participate with the approval off the committee.
Try Outs And Selection Of Teams
As an athletic department we try to keep as many students on our Varsity and JV teams as possible. Size of team is determined by safety factors such as how many athletes a coach can adequately supervise. Additionally, team numbers are determined by the amount of athletes who can positively contribute in some way. Unfortunately some teams have to make “selections” or “cuts”. This is a decision that is one of the most difficult decisions a coach must make. When athletes are evaluated during a tryout period coaches are asked to utilize as many “objective factors” as possible. These factors differ from sport to sport. Some subjective elements come into play like effort and attitude.
Practice Sessions
Generally, practices are held between 2:45 - 5:00pm. Some teams in winter i.e. basketball because of limited gym space practice as late as 8:00pm. Practices may also vary in location based on the availability of gyms and fields. Additionally, in the spring because of poor weather indoor practices may utilize gyms from 2:45 - 9:00pm. Being a member of a Varsity or JV team means a greater commitment than at the Middle School level. Many teams practice and have contests on Saturdays. Sunday practices are avoided unless of an extenuating circumstance. Teams may only practice 6 days in a week during the course of the regular season. You are expected to attend every scheduled practice, scrimmage and contest (not to exceed 6 days per week). If you must miss a scheduled practice, scrimmage or game, it is your responsibility to give prior notice to your coach, in writing if possible dated and signed by your parent(s) / guardian(s). Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action by the coach. Students absent from school for an excused absence i.e. death in the family must receive written permission from the School Principal to participate in practice, scrimmage or contest on the day they are absent from school.
Club Teams
It is recognized that many times an athletes may have numerous commitments. Some of these may include participation on outside club teams. It is important that the athlete and their parents understand that as a member of an interscholastic team, their primary commitment is to their school team.
Sport Specialization
We encourage our athletes to play sports year round. There are some students who choose to “focus” on one sport in order to increase their chances at athletic scholarships. It has been our experience that a well-rounded athlete is one who can exhibit a variety of athletic skills which multi sport involvement fosters. Most of our athletes who have gone on athletically to the college ranks have been two or three sport athletes.
Family Vacations
When parents and student athletes choose to take their family vacations during sport seasons it must be understood that the time missed by the student-athlete can affect team chemistry and physical conditioning. At the high school level family vacations could potentially impact the students ability to make the team and or playing time. Coaches will make every effort to inform parents and student-athletes of the season schedule as far in advance as possible. Each coach has his or her own team policy on this that must be followed.
Responsibility For Uniforms And Equipment
All uniforms and equipment must be returned to the coach at the end of the season. Students who lose equipment or uniforms will be billed for replacement pieces. Be aware that a replacement jersey or sweat top can be very costly because of the special order that must be placed. Students who have not returned school issued equipment or uniforms will not be given another in the next season until the previous uniform and/or compensation has been received.
Section Xi Team, Coaches, Fans, School Sportsmanship
Every contest played in Suffolk County is rated by coaches and officials for sportsmanship. Ratings are collected after each game and sent to Section XI. Results are then tabulated for each team relative to other teams in their league. Additionally, each school gets a post - season general rating. Student - athletes and parents must recognize that their conduct plays an important role in establishing the reputation of their school and that their positive actions can relate directly to the success of their teams
Returning To Practice Following An Injury
You must report every injury and illness to your parent(s)/guardian(s) and to your coach. If you receive medical attention for any injury or illness, you may not return to practice, scrimmage or compete in any contest until you receive a written medical release from a doctor or health care facility where you were treated. The note must include the date of the injury/illness, a diagnosis, any restrictions and a date to return to participation. The note must be verified through the nurse’s office and passed along to your coach.
Student - athletes will be transported to and from school sponsored activities by school-authorized vehicles only. A parent/guardian may request in writing, to drive their son/daughter from an event due to a special circumstance. Under no circumstance will an athlete be permitted to travel home from an away contest with another parent. All requests must be approved by the athletic director and made at least one day prior to the scheduled activity.
Parent/Coach Communication
Parent/coach Relationship
Both parenting and coaching are extremely difficult vocations. By establishing am understanding of each role, we are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide greater benefits to athletes. As parents, when your children become involved in our program, you have the right to understand what expectations are placed on your child. This begins with clear communication from the coach of your child’s program.
Communication You Should Expect From Your Child’s Coach
Philosophy of the coach
Expectations the coach has for your child as well as all players on the squad.
Locations and times of all practices and contests
Team requirements, team rules, special equipment, off season programs
Procedure, should your child be injured during participation
Disciplinary action if needed
Communication Coaches Expect From Parents
Concerns expressed directly to the coach
Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance
Specific concern in regard to a coach’s philosophy
The treatment of your child, mentally and physically
Ways to improve your child
Concerns about your child’s behavior
It is very difficult to accept your child’s not playing as much as you may hope. Coaches are professionals. They make judgments based on what they believe to be the best for all students involved. As you have seen from the list above, certain topics can and should be discussed with your child’s coach. Other topics, such as those described in the next segment, must be left to the discretion of the coach.
Issues Not Appropriate To Discuss With Coaches
Playing Time
Team Strategy
Play Calling
Other Student - Athletes
Coaches are making decisions that are in the best interest of all members of the team or program. Please be supportive of their decisions.
Procedures For Discussing A Concern With A Coach
Call to set-up an appointment with the coach
If the coach cannot be reached call the Athletic Office to leave a message for the coach.
Please do not attempt to confront a coach before or after a practice or contest. These can be emotional times and may not benefit either party to attempt to resolve concerns at these times.
If you cannot resolve the problem after meeting with the coach call to speak with the Athletic Director.
Athletic Behavioral Code Of Conduct
Note: This policy is in effect year round (12 months)
The Bayport - Blue Point School District heartily embraces the New York State goals of Education through athletics called the Educational Framework for Athletics or the 4C’s.
The Mission Statement of the Bayport - Blue Point School District Athletic Program is to foster the quest for excellence by creating an educational and competitive experience within an atmosphere of sportsmanship. Successful programs develop individual and team potential by promoting high standards of competence, character, civility and citizenship. Each of these qualities is defined as follows:
A Student Athlete In A Quality Program Is Competent In Terms Of: Skill Development, Knowledge Of The Game/strategies, Fitness/conditioning/healthy Behavior.
A Student Athlete In A Quality Program Demonstrates: Responsibility To Self, Team And School, Accountability, Dedication, Trustworthiness/fair Play, Self Control.
A Student Athlete In A Quality Program Demonstrates Civility Towards Others Showing: Respect, Fairness, Caring.
A student athlete in a quality program demonstrates citizenship through actions show evidence of: loyalty, commitment, teamwork, role modeling.
Being a member of the Bayport - Blue Point School District Athletic Team is a privilege, not a right. You are responsible, as a member of a team, with your coaches, parents and teachers to continually strive to better yourselves in all the 4C’s.
Behavior Violations
1. Bayport - Blue Point athletes are to avoid taking, selling, consuming any type of alcohol or drug not described by a physician including cigarettes or tobacco products. Students found in violation of this policy may be suspended from the athletic participation.
2. Bayport - Blue Point athletes are not to engage in any behavior inside or outside of school that is illegal or an embarrassment to the team. Students in violation of this clause are subject to the Student Code of Conduct and may be suspended or eliminated from athletic participation.
3. It is our goal to learn and teach in a healthy, vibrant and safe environment where all are valued, welcomed and accepted. To that end, all adults are expected to: (1) To model acceptable behavior with other students and adults at all times. (2) To be diligent in identifying unacceptable behavior. (3) To bring to the attention of school officials those who violate these rules.
Bayport - Blue Point School District Board Of Ed. Hazing Policy
In the Bayport - Blue Point School District engaging in “HAZING” in any form by an athlete prior to, during school, or any setting outside regular team activities is unacceptable and prohibited. It shall be considered a violation of the student “Code of Conduct” as well as dangerous, compromising to an athletes well being and counter-productive to a teams’ positive growth.
Hazing shall be defined as any intentional action; situation created; growth conduct or method of intimidation to/by a group (or individual) that is designed to deny (or results in denying) a person her/his rights within the school society or as a member of the team.
This shall also include any action that seriously impacts or compromises an athlete’s physical or psychological safety, (demeaning by nature) by inflicting mental anguish, physical discomfort/pain severe embarrassment, harassment, hurtful pranks, psychological pressure, intimidation, ridicules, or endangers another person whether in public or private.
This definition shall also include any action or coercion that typically pressures an individual to agree to be involved in a humiliating action/task(s) that suggests the athlete will be more fully accepted into a group/team irrespective of team status or playing time.
Any student found to have committed an act of hazing or harassment against any student in the district, including team members, will face disciplinary action as well as possible criminal charges. Team members are fully responsible to notify a coach or other school officials if any such behavior is observed.
The Bayport - Blue Point Interscholastic Athletic Program teaches respect for all athletes and this policy embraces this lesson.
What Does Unacceptable Behavior Look Like?
Specific examples/terms that we wish to prevent are found below. Please understand that some of these may belong to other categories of infractions/offenses. Additionally, this list is not fixed or complete. Here are some terms that we in the Bayport - Blue Point School District have discussed and identified as bullying, hazing or harassment:
Verbal Infraction: Mocking, name calling, coercion, taunting, negatively teasing, threats (verbal, written or electronic).
Physical Infractions: Pushing, shoving kicking, hitting, spitting, extortion, stalking, restraining, humiliating acts, defacing property, demeaning, use of violence of threats.
Social Alienation and Shunning: Gossiping, rumor spreading, ridicule, slurs (ethnic, religious. Sexual or racial) social rejection, grudge carrying, threatening looks, public humiliation and maliciously excluding.
Students are asked to report all inappropriate actions immediately to a teacher, coach, administrator or parent.
Parental Expectations
As a parent who is also committed to the education, maturity and athletic success of your child, we encourage you to make a formal commitment as described below. Our partnership together will increase the likelihood of a successful season, regardless of the final win/loss record of the team.
I understand that as a parent I play a vital role in the development of my child’s athletic ability and character, and therefore in the success of the Bayport - Blue Point School District’s Athletic Program. Recognizing this role, I therefore commit as a parent.
Be positive role model so that through my own actions I can help to make sure that my child has the best athletic experience possible.
Be a “team” fan, not a “my kid” fan.
Weigh what my child says in controversy, and work with coaches/athletic department to gather all the facts.
Show respect for the opposing players, coaches, spectators and support groups.
Be respectful of all officials’ decisions.
Not instruct my child before or after a game because it may conflict with the coach’s plans and strategies.
Gain an understanding and appreciation for the rules of the sport.
Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
Take time to talk with coaches in an appropriate manner, including proper time and place, if I have a concern. I will respect the coach by following the designated chain of command.
Support the alcohol, tobacco and other drug free policies of our school by refraining from the use of any such substances before and during athletic contests. I will also support my child and hold him/her accountable for their commitment to non-use of substances, improper behavior inside and outside of school including hazing, harassment and bullying as outlines in the Athletic Code.