Welcome to JWY Middle School
Where you BELONG, Where we BELIEVE in you, Where anything is POSSIBLE
Where you BELONG, Where we BELIEVE in you, Where anything is POSSIBLE
Principal, Mrs. Westerlund, and Assistant Principal, Ms. Cush welcome you to the James Wilson Young Middle School. You belong here!
- Welcome to 2024/25
Ms. Westerlund welcomed incoming 6th graders and explained what they could expect during their first year at the middle school. After the introductory remarks, students explored the building, located their classrooms and tried out their lockers for the first time.
- 2024/25 Orientation Day
The JWY Science Olympiad team kicked off the 2025 competition season at the Blue Dragon Division B Science Olympiad Invitational. 26 students competed in 21 different Science and engineering events. The team placed 23rd out of 46 of the top teams and took home 4 medals.
- Science Olympiad Team