Principal's Page
Dear BPE Families,
Sean Jenkins said, "So often you find that the students you're trying to inspire are the ones that end up inspiring you." If I've learned anything as a principal, it's that students, from grades K-5, inspire me on a daily basis and that's the best part of my job. Together, the students, faculty, staff, and families work together to inspire each other and create new memories.
Every morning our students, faculty, and staff recite the Blue Point oath to start our day with reminders who we are as a community. We are BPE. We BELIEVE in ourselves. Practice POSITIVITY. ENCOURAGE each other. We strive to practice these ideas on a daily basis and use them to guide us in our decision making process.
Communication is very important in making a positive home-school connection. There are many ways the school communicates throughout the year. Teachers send letters, remind messages and/or emails on a consistent basis and are always willing to meet to discuss any concerns. As a building, there are many ways to stay informed:
Weekly Newsletter: Every Sunday at 1pm, you will receive an email from me with how the previous week went, pictures of students, district/building flyers, as well as what's coming up in the future.
Monthly Calendar: In the beginning of the month, a calendar of events going on in the building is sent home via email. These are subject to change throughout the month.
Twitter and Instagram: @BPESchool - These platforms are the best way to see what’s going on in the building on a daily basis. There you will see pictures of students working and having fun in school. There will also be reminders and updates to keep you informed in a quick way. If you'd like to opt your student out from his/her picture being on social media, please let me know.
"Blue Point Elementary School, how are you feeling today?"
"I feel great, yes!"
You're awesome! You're the best!! You rock!!!
Tara Falasco